James has the most amazing sunbeam teacher. Every week she goes above and beyond with her lesson and craft/handouts. James is always so eager to tell us about what he learned in Sunbeams. A couple of weeks ago, James proudly marched out of primary with a cup filled with dirt and seeds. He had learned that Heavenly Father created seeds and grass. Each day he dutifully watered and checked on his seeds.
James was thrilled when grass started to grow, and even more excited when "grass man's" hair grew so long it needed a haircut!
At least a couple times each week, James digs through his closet and pulls out his monkey halloween costume. He wears it around the house pretending to be a monkey, a bear or a puppy. On this day, all of his pretending wore him out, and he climbed into bed all on his own and fell asleep. Super cute!
Clara was one of two kindergartners honored at a town art show last week. She was so excited to receive her certificate and eat punch and cookies at the reception!
I really need to post an "art show" of some of her work. She'd love that!