Tuesday, October 12, 2010


For the past two months we have been hearing 'gun-shots' falling from our oak trees. Thousands and thousands of these monster acorns fall about 80 feet and bang, clank and crash into our car, driveway, deck and roof. Watch out, it can be very dangerous! :-)

Notice how many TALL oak trees completely surround our house. I swear each tree produces about a million acorns!

Look at the size of these things! This is why Jim's old Taurus is soo badly pocked with acorn dents. (The new cars are safely parked in the garage)

Another picture to show the gianormous size of these things. On occassion, the kids have worn their bike helmets while playing in the yard! The acorns really hurt if they hit your head!


  1. I love the picture of James holding the nefarious nuts. I thought you were just complaining but they actually look huge in his hand. What you really need is an acorn from one of the scrub oak trees of Utah for comparison.

  2. Make sure and post Fall pictures. Totally miss CT this time of year.

  3. wow! can't believe the size of those things!! i would wear my helmet too!
    fun to decorate with though!!!

  4. Wow, those are some seriously huge acorns.
    Good call on helmets when playing in the yard.
