Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ice Skating

New Englad and ice skating just go hand in hand. The girls have enjoyed many ice skating outings this year! Last night we went ice skating at Simsbury Farms. It was a super fun family activity and to make it even better, some of our wonderful neighbor friends came too! Six adults, SEVEN little girls and James :) Emi was flying around on the ice! I was absolutely amazed at how good/fast of a skater she has become. She and her friends were playing ice tag. Clara began the evening by skating with an 'ice walker' (it's a metal frame that looks kind of like a help beginners learn to skate). She and her friends were having races. By the end of the night, she was skating on her own, and doing a fantastic job! It was cute to see how proud she was of herself.....skating on her own without any help. James did pretty well, considering he's two. His little skates were adorable. Jim's back is a bit sore....from leaning over to help support James as he 'skated'. We all had such a fun time!


  1. That sounds like a blast!
    They make ice skates for itty-bitties?

  2. I remember those walkers!! Wes and Hailey took lessons when they were younger. What a fun family activity!

  3. I haven't done that for years. It will be fun when con is a little bigger to take him to do all those fun kinds of things.
    I'm excited to take the kids to Jump On It when you get here.
