Sunday, October 31, 2010


October is my favorite month. I live in New England because I love fall! The amazing colors, the leaves swirling across the streets, leaves falling from the trees like snow, mums and orange pumpkins on the front steps of every colonial's just so quintessential New England! Love it.

Okay, now on to Halloween. I love Halloween because a. it's in October, b. the kids get super excited about it, and c. all of the yummy candy! Enjoy the pics and Happy Halloween!

Emi as a pretty swamp 'monster', Clara as a witch and James as a shark.

Carving the pumpkin!

The finished product.

Jim is amazing. Look at this awesome pumpkin with horns, bloodshot egg shell eyes and goo coming out of it's mouth! The kids lost interest in the carving process after about 20 minutes and left Jim with the job. He's mister fun and creative in our house! Great job dear! The eyes glow when it's lit - very spooky!

The clan at our annual Halloween gala.

Rummaging thru the spoils of the night!


  1. Fun Stuff. You need to post pics of the leaves. I miss them.

  2. I miss CT in fall and the ward trunk or treat and seeing you guys. The kids are so cute in their costumes.
